
Precision Pest and Wildlife does not handle cats or dogs: Contact your Local Animal Control Authority for cats and dogs.

Do Armadillos Hibernate in The Winter in SC

Do Armadillos Hibernate in The Winter in SC

Do Armadillos Hibernate in The Winter in SC

In SC, if it gets cold enough, armadillos will be forced to hibernate. But they do not go into a full-deep sleep as a bear would.

And actually… the only thing that bears and armadillos have in common is that they both make their homes in holes or burrows underground!

The North American Nine-banded Armadillo has been known to hibernate in temperatures ranging from 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4.5 Celsius) up to 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 Celsius). They are able to survive much colder weather by entering torpor – similar to hibernation – but still wake up throughout winter periods when they warm back up again. They also use this state of lowered metabolism to conserve energy during the summer months.

When torpor is induced, it lasts longer in colder weather. This allows the animal to stay dormant longer before it needs to forage for food again.

The question, “do armadillos hibernate in the winter in SC?’ So, they are able to hibernate, but not all winter long. They can actually be seen waking up and becoming active after seasons of near-hibernation!

Can Armadillos Survive a Freeze?

So the answer is yes, armadillos can survive a freeze if they enter into hibernation or torpor. But no, generally do not go completely into deep hibernation as other animals would throughout SC winters!

What can you do if you find an armadillo on your property during the winter months?

Well, first of all… don’t touch it! Armadillos are not domesticated animals. They are wild and even though they look cute and cuddly, they can be very dangerous to handle due to their hard shell that protects them during fight-or-flight situations.   

If you find an armadillo that looks ill or injured, then call for animal removal services immediately – this means that the animal needs help ASAP! And if the animal does require medical attention due to illness or injury, it’s almost always best left up to experts who know what they’re doing. It may look cute and cuddly on the outside, but to them – you look like a predator!

How Do You Remove Armadillos From Your Property?

When it comes to removing armadillos, the best way is to do so humanely if at all possible. Remove food sources by getting rid of excess vegetation on your property – eliminate any standing water as these are known breeding sites for mosquitoes which are also harmful to humans. Armadillos love grubs and bugs, but there are ways that you can prevent them from coming onto your property looking for their insect buffet!

First of all, stop feeding cats outdoors!  Cats will continue to kill armadillos whether they’re on your property or not. They won’t have anything else to eat out there because there won’t be any more rodents or small animals left on your property.

Second, get rid of any artificial light. Armadillos are nocturnal so they will try to come out at night when it’s dark to look for something to eat – this is about 7-10 PM during the summer months so you’ll want to be sure that all your exterior lights are switched off or turned away from your yard. Any porch or street lights within 100 feet (30 meters), should also be turned off if possible.

You can also consider planting thorny bushes in garden beds around the perimeter of your yard. This is where armadillos like to dig, and it would be very uncomfortable for them to attempt crawling through these thorny plants! They will avoid these plants altogether which will stop them from coming onto your property.

So will removing food sources and putting down barrier plants make armadillos go away? For the most part, yes! If you’re looking for a long-term solution then you’ll want to remove any armadillo attractants that you can find like grubs, insects, ants … if they’re not around anymore – the armadillos will eventually get word.

Get Help

But if all else fails… send us at Precision Predator Removal a message! We have specialized in the humane removal of animals from residential properties since 2004 and we would be happy to help you out.

Our team is experienced with armadillo removal well as many other types of animals that come into conflict with homeowners or business owners – so don’t go it alone, armadillos are not domesticated animals.

We hope you have gained valuable knowledge reading our article, “Do Armadillos Hibernate in The Winter in SC?”

Take a look at a few of our other articles, a few listed below.

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