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6 Tips to Keep Pets Safe from Fleas and Ticks

6 tips to keep pets safe from fleas and ticks

Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe from Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and ticks are unpleasant for your pets and can be a big nuisance for you, too. Fleas can cause itching, red patches, and sometimes even anemia, while ticks can spread diseases like Lyme Disease to your pet. These parasites can also apply to you and your children if you’re not careful.

They are most active during warmer months but can be a problem during other times of the year. There are many ways you can help keep your pet safe from these pests.

Here are some tips to keep your pet safe from fleas and ticks:

Check your pet for signs of fleas and ticks.

Always check your pet for small brown dots on their skin to spot a flea or tick. These are dried blood left behind after a bite. If you see one of these dots, there are likely others nearby, and you should check your pet thoroughly for further signs of bites and parasites.

If you find any other signs, such as excessive scratching caused by irritation from flea saliva, you should also check your pet for ticks.

Sometimes ticks attach themselves to the back of the neck and go unnoticed until their constant feeding causes some swelling around their feeding site. When you notice the swelling and find a tick, use tweezers to remove the tick and its head to prevent any infections the left-behind mouthparts might transmit.

Bathe and groom your pet regularly.

Bathing your pet goes a long way toward keeping their skin free of fleas and ticks. It also makes your pet smell good! Make sure you bathe your pet with a pet shampoo for flea or tick control. Regular bathing will also remove loose hair that isn’t shed during regular shedding cycles, which can harbor ticks when exposed to the elements.

Comb your pet with a fine-toothed flea comb immediately after bathing to remove any remaining fleas before they have time to lay eggs themselves. Grooming your pet will ensure that you eliminate tiny bugs from the fur and eliminate dander that can carry flea eggs. In addition, giving your pet regular baths and brushings means you’ll more easily spot any lumps or bumps that could be signs of an infestation or disease.

How often you bathe your pet depends on their breed, how much time they spend outside, and what season it is, among other factors. But it’s important not to overdo it, so the skin doesn’t dry. Too much bathing can be bad for pets — their skin will produce extra oil to compensate, leading to extra dandruff.

Treat with flea and tick medication.

Although some pet owners may be tempted only to start the flea and tick medication when they see the first signs of a problem, it is best to begin treatment before your pet is affected by these pests. It’s much easier to kill off tiny flea and tick populations than to eliminate an infestation that has already begun. But before beginning, speak with your veterinarian about the treatment that will work best with your pet’s lifestyle.

If you choose to do it yourself, follow the directions on the label. Once you’ve started treatment, it’s vital to give your pet the medication regularly (usually every 30 days) or as the veterinarian advises. Getting them used to the treatment at a young age is essential, so they don’t develop an aversion to the medication later. (We do not advise administering flea and tick treatments without consulting a veterinarian.)

Regularly clean and vacuum your home.

6 tips to keep pets safe from fleas and ticks

Vacuuming your home will suction up any fleas or ticks already in your house, plus it will also prevent future infestations by killing off any eggs or larvae. Vacuum each room of your house thoroughly at least once a week.

In addition to vacuuming, scrub the surface of floors, couches, and other furniture in each room. Even if there aren’t any fleas or ticks on the furniture, they may leave behind their eggs, which can hatch later and re-infect the surfaces.

Wash your pet’s bedding, blankets, and stuffed toys.

Wash your pet’s bedding and blankets regularly, as well as any stuffed toys they might have that often come in contact with your pet’s fur. These are great places for ticks and fleas to hide. You want to get rid of them before they can reproduce or cause any health problems for your pet. If you have a washing machine with an agitator, use it for this purpose because it will help eliminate any eggs or larvae in the fabric.

Keep your lawn cut short.

It’s also necessary to create an outdoor play area free of tall grasses and weeds where fleas could gather. Fleas usually hide in tall grasses because it gives them cover from predators — your pet’s scratching might drive them out of hiding.

If you have a dog with thick fur that quickly grows, you may need to trim it more often to prevent mats from forming around its paws or hindquarters.

While you’re out with the lawn mower, pick up any sticks or branches that could harbor insects looking for a place to call home.

Keep Your Pets Free of Fleas and Ticks for Good

Fleas and ticks are a menace to pets, causing irritation and allergic reactions besides spreading disease. Luckily, there are several steps you can take to avoid the scourge of flea and tick infestation. By keeping these tips in mind, you can give your pet a healthy, happy life free from pests that could transmit dangerous diseases.

If you suspect you have ticks and or a flea infestation, contact Precision Predator. We will act quickly and efficiently to eliminate them and apply the best control techniques. Let us help keep your pets and even you, your family and your guests safe. Contact us here. Or give us a quick call.