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Wildlife & What Seasons They Are Pervasive in SC

Wildlife & What Seasons They Are Pervasive in SC, black bear

South Carolina is home to several types of wildlife, from an eastern grey squirrel to a coyote. Diverse wildlife is a sign of a thriving ecosystem, but wildlife can be a nuisance to many homes and businesses, especially during their active season.

Many wildlife carry diseases and cause property damage. Some species are also known to attack humans, livestock, and pets. Preventative measures can help you safeguard your home.

Do you want to know more about wildlife and what seasons they are around? Read on to learn more!

Are Animals Seasonal?

Not all animals are active throughout the year. When the season changes, animal behavior changes as well.

A change in the length of the day or a temperature shift can affect them. These alter their hormone production, making them act depending on the season. The change in time allows animals to know the time to mate, create their nest, move location, or stock up on food.

As a result, you can see them wandering around during their active season. While it’s normal to spot them in the wildlife, some animals will be more pervasive depending on the time of year. That’s why it’s crucial to know about wildlife and what seasons they are around.



Coyotes are not native to South Carolina as they first appeared in South Carolina in 1978 and are now commonly found in both rural and urban settings. As their population continues to increase, they become one of the top predators in the state. Coyotes thrive in landscapes, agricultural spaces, brushy areas, and forests.

These wild animals often feed on rodents, rabbits, and deer. Coyotes sometimes venture into human territory when they can’t find food, which can be a problem for farmers.

Coyotes are nocturnal, but during the winter season, they become active during the day to find food sources. Often, these winter animals come in packs. They dig in your trash bins to get any leftovers. They typically do not attack adults and large animals; however, young children and small pets can be at risk when they are around.

Wild Hogs

Do you know that there are approximately 145,000 wild hogs in South Carolina? Their population is definitely on the rise; therefore, it’s essential to keep an eye out for them. They are incredibly versatile and quickly adapt to most environments. In South Carolina alone, they are responsible for approximately $115 million in damages to non-crops and crops.

Their severe damage to crops and livestock is not the only thing they do; they damage our yards, landscape, flower beds and much more.

Wild hogs are most active during dusk and dawn; however, climate conditions and human activity can cause them to exhibit nocturnal feeding behaviors.

Wild hogs can be seen 365 days a year; however, December through February are the peak times, as they heavily pursue food. The colder the temperatures, the more food they need for energy.

Wild hogs are also called feral hogs, feral swine, feral pigs, wild boars, wild pigs and piney woods rooters.

Wildlife & What Seasons They Are Pervasive in SC, wild hogs



Raccoons are most active during the spring, summer and fall in South Carolina. A common misconception about raccoons is that they hibernate during the cold season, which they do not. Raccoons will look for food, nest materials, and warmth in winter, which results in them building dens inside homes and commercial buildings.

Even when the temperature drops, raccoons continue their nocturnal activities. Raccoons are curious by nature and are often found wandering around human territories.

Raccoons are notorious for wandering outside properties in search of food. As a result, they destroy your garden, fruit trees, and vegetable plants. Further, wild animals scavenge for food in your trash bin.

If you leave your home open, raccoons can get inside. As mentioned, they can be a nuisance in your attic as they seek warmth during the winter. Like other wildlife, raccoons can pose serious health problems to humans and pets.

Eastern Gray Squirrels

For spring animals, the eastern gray squirrel is first on the list. The active time, onset and cessation time of activity, and home range size support this idea. Although you can spot them all year round, eastern gray squirrels become less active in winter.

When spring comes around, squirrels search for food in human territories. Often, these squirrels are active throughout the day.

During the winter, eastern gray squirrels live in sheltered nests in tree dens and only venture out in the evening and morning. They rely on their fat reserves and stored food to survive the cold season.

Although they look cute, eastern gray squirrels can cause problems. Like other animals, they scavenge for food on your property. Some seek shelter in homes and are known to chew on electric wiring.

Another problem with these wild animals is that they carry diseases. This includes tularemia and typhus.


Groundhogs are omnivorous wild animals that love to feed on plants and meat. With this, you can find them in fields, pastures, and ditches. In residential areas, you can find them scavenging food in your garden.

When are groundhogs active? After hibernating in winter, groundhogs emerge when the temperature starts to rise. They are active in spring during dusk and late afternoon.

As a result, it becomes hard to catch them feeding on your vegetation. An open bin can also serve as another food source for them.

Keep your property clean to prevent these wild animals from ruining your property. Cover trash cans, install fences in your gardens, and use repellents.


Black Bears

South Carolina black bears are native to the state. There are approximately 1,100 with two distinct communities; About 900 live in the Upper Piedmont area and the mountains and the other 200 live in the coastal plain.

The Black Bear is elusive and tends to avoid confrontation with humans. Attacks are rare except when they feel threatened.

Some people find them rummaging through yards and trash cans, looking for food. As they are omnivores, their food ranges from plants to meat. Having fruit trees or insect infestation on your property can attract black bears.

The Black Bear is active during the mating season, making them summer animals. You can often see them wandering in the wild from May to July. They either look for a mate or food source to keep them going. They are now highly adaptable, and where they can find adequate food sources and have a suitable den, they reside.



Bats are most active during the fall, as this is their mating season. In addition, as most insects are around in the fall to find a place to hide, bats take this opportunity to hunt their food. Since they have warm blood, when the temperature drops, they will go into hibernation and live off the fat they have stored. As spring approaches, they come out of hibernation. As the females have stored the sperm throughout the winter, gestating begins in the spring.

These fall animals are insectivores, which means they help with insect infestations. However, they will sometimes seek shelter in homes and businesses as the temperature drops. But note, this does not mean they can get in during their more active times of the year.

Although helpful, a colony of bats can become a significant problem. They can damage your property and put your health at risk.

Bat droppings contain uric acid, which can cause structural corrosion. In addition, they carry rabies that is transferrable to humans when bitten.

Everything to Know About Wildlife and What Seasons They Are Around

To prevent damage, it’s essential to know about wildlife, their behavior and what seasons they are around in South Carolina. Doing so allows you to prepare and take measures when they become pervasive. If you’re having trouble with pests or wildlife infestation, it’s always best to call professional pest control and wildlife removal services.

Precision Predator Removal is a full-service pest and wildlife control service that deals with removal, repair for damage from wildlife, and exclusion! We prioritize using humane methods to release wildlife back to their homes and keep yours safe. Get in touch with us here!